Feb - Mar, 2014
Much of the New Testament is made up of letters Paul wrote to churches or to groups of Christians in various parts of the ancient world. Ephesians is one of those letters, and it contains some of the greatest writing ever on the purpose of the church, on God’s overwhelming and unending grace, on why unity matters so much to God, and what living a life worthy of our calling as Christ-followers looks like. We hope you’ll join us for the next 6 weeks as we explore Paul’s letter chapter by chapter. We’ll spend the first three weeks looking at the first chapters 1 through 3, in which Paul lays out in soaring rhetoric what God has done for us in Christ. In them, he lays the groundwork and the reasoning for what he will spell out in chapters 4 through 6, which we’ll explore in the second 3 weeks. It is only in understanding the first 3 chapters that all of Paul’s admonitions to right behavior make sense. We are saved through God’s mighty power, not for ourselves alone, but for the good of the church. And the church plays a pivotal role in God’s bigger picture. The unity and love of the church is what God wants to display to the cosmic powers of darkness and disunity. What a call we have been given! What a role we get to play in God’s amazing work of reconciliation and restoration.
God wants us to develop a bigger, deeper understanding of his grace, and the riches he wants to bestow upon his beloved children. We believe God wants to give us a truer and wider understanding of the purpose of the church and why the church matters so much to Him. And we believe God wants to give us a crystal clear picture of the kind of life he wants us to live in light of all he has done for us, and all he continues to do in and through us for the good of the world even though this is no easy task as there is a very real spiritual war going around us all the time.
Is that we will all read through the book of Ephesians over and over during this 6 week series. We’ll be walking through the whole letter in our Daily Scriptures. But, we will also be encouraging each one of us to pick up our own Bibles at home or at work to read for ourselves these magnificent proclamations of God’s goodness to us, and his incredible call on our lives as his “dearly beloved children.”
We invite you to join us on our 6-week journey through one of Paul’s most famous letters!
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